All wines with the DLG Product-Certificate "SEHR GUT / EXCELLENT" undergo intensive quality tests by the experts of the DLG TestService GmbH.
The enological auditors evaluate and certify companies globally on-site. Origin and production processes are getting certified based on the standard "DLG Process-Wine". The producers have to fulfill high viticulture and viniculture requirements as well as high standards regarding operational facilities and equipment, environmental protection (gentle use of natural resources), social responsibility and product safety. Traceability and sustainability are main key points of the standard. Who fulfills the requirements, will be awarded with the DLG process-certificate. Only then producers may apply with wines for the DLG product-certificate.
The DLG Product-Certificate "SEHR GUT / EXCELLENT" stands for quality from producing until the sensorial tested bottled product. It guarantees the origin of the wines and the controlled production in the country of origin as well as sensorial and analytical perfect quality in the bottle. The wines are tested in accordance with extensive quality requirements in the sectors sensory and analytics. DLG certified wines meet the actual quality standards. The awarding of the DLG Product-Certificate is based on a EU recognised testing procedure for wines according to the wine law and provides safety and orientation.